LIAONING BIOGAS PLANT ARCINEER'S FIRST REFERENCE BIOGAS PLANT IN NORTHEAST OF CHINA. KEY TECHNOLOGIES ARCINEER DELIVERED THE DESIGN AND TECHNICAL SERVICES OF PLUG-FLOW REACTOR AND ITS ANCILLARIES TO THE LIAONING BIOGAS PLANT. FEEDSTOCK TYPE: DRY COW MANUREDESIGNED TREATMENT CAPACITY: 131,400 TPY, 360 TPDACTIVE REACTOR SIZE: 6966 M3 BIOGAS YIELD: 7,682,900 NM3/AENERGY CONTENT: 38,750 MWh/A OUR SERVICES SCOPE Engineering and Design Process engineering and design, architectural and construction engineering and design, electrical and automation engineering Project Management Project management and project supervision services PHOTO GALLERY CONTACT US Our team of specialists is able to provide agile, productive and efficient services, leading to high value for the customer.Join us to find the optimized solution to fight against climate change! Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Contact us Phone: +358 40 0632212Email: BACK TO HOMEPAGE